Lake Chelan Trading Company Careers Application Last Name * First Name * M.I. Date * Street Address * Apartment/Unit # City * State * Zip Code * Phone Number * Email Address Desired Salary What position are you applying for and why? * Are you authorized to work in the US? * YES NO Have you ever worked for this company? * YES NO If Yes, When? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YES NO If yes, please explain: Please fill out your schedule availability below * MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS Explain availability further if needed High School * Address From * To * Did You Graduate? * YES NO College Address From To Did You Graduate? YES NO Degree Other Education Address From To Did You Graduate? YES NO Degree Professional Reference 1 * Relationship * Company * Phone Number * Address Professional Reference 2 * Relationship * Company * Phone Number * Address Professional Reference 3 * Relationship * Company * Phone Number * Address --> Previous Employment 1 * Phone Number * Address Supervisor * Job Title * From * To * Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities * Reason For Leaving * May we contact your supervisor for a reference? * YES NO --> Previous Employment 2 Phone Number Address Supervisor Job Title From To Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities Reason For Leaving May we contact your supervisor for a reference? YES NO --> Previous Employment 3 Phone Number Address Supervisor Job Title From To Starting Salary Ending Salary Responsibilities Reason For Leaving May we contact your supervisor for a reference? YES NO What would your most recent supervisor say about you? * Describe yourself in 5 words: * What about our company is most exciting to you? * Is there anything else you would like us to know? PLEASE INDICATE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING: I certify that the answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my termination. I understand that, if hired, I may be subject to random drug testing throughout my employment. I authorize and consent to my current and prior employers, educational institution, and persons or organizations named in this application to release my information to this employer that may be required to make an employment decision. My employment is not guaranteed for any term, and my employment may be terminated by the employer or myself at any time and for any reason. No management official is authorized to make any oral assurance or promise of continued employment. * I Understand I Do Not Understand reCAPTCHA Phone Website/URL Submit